Orlando Seale is a British artist working across painting, drawing, and performance.

Artist statement

My painting approaches themes of transformation, mortality, the unconscious, and mystery with an unabashed playfulness and vitality informed by my many years working with performance, clown and improvisation.

Movement and the body, deep listening, and time spent in nature are core to the practice. Guided by intuition and unknowing I dialogue with my materials, exploring and embodying images that arise from the unconscious, from dreams and myth. I seek to balance this inner work with observation, and in this way to bridge the inner and outer landscapes.

“Nothing of him that doth fade,

But doth suffer a sea-change

Into something rich and strange.”

The Tempest, Shakespeare


Orlando grew up above his father’s art gallery so some of his earliest memories are of marvelling at the pieces on display and sneaking down to the busy openings with his little sister Delilah. He has painted and drawn throughout his life alongside his career as a performer. In 2022 his work was included in the London group show “Once upon a time” curated by Flora Fairbairn and Katie Heller. He has since had shows in Greece, France and Austria.

Shows, Residencies

  •  2018 Artist in residence and show, Montaut, South West France
  • 2022 Artist in residence, performance and show, INDIE, Vienna, Austria
  • 2022 Once Upon a Time, London group show curated by Katie Heller and Flora Fairbairn
  • 2022 Solo show, Porto Heli, Greece
  • 2022 Created art pieces for ‘Lee’, feature film about the photographer and war correspondent Lee Miller
  • 2023 Something Rich and Strange (Conditions for life), performance art piece at b12 festival, Berlin, Germany
  • 2024 Solo show at Gallérie Etcetera, Eugenie-les-Bains, France
  • 2025 Little lights, group show at the Paul Smith Space in London, curated by Nico Kos Earle in association with Tin Man Art and Katie Heller.
